Sunday, December 16, 2007


Long time, no blog, I know! It's that time of year, though. And of course everything is a little crazier with a baby thrown into the mix. But we have gotten into a bit of a routine lately. For the last week or so Jules has gone to sleep at about 11:30, give or take half an hour. She's always been able to sleep for long stretches of time, but she used to stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning. I've been back to work for two weeks now, so I'm sure that's helped her. I'm working 12 hours a week at Omni in the Playroom - four hours, Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings. It's not bad at all, really. It feels good to get out, and I'll have some pocket money again. Babies are not cheap either. (We've decided that with the next child we're going to keep track of how many diapers they go through. I think we're probably past 500, and I figured once that they're roughly $0.25 each. Wow!) I know it's good for her to have time away from me, too. I have had to be that person that watches a 2 year old that's practically never been away from Mom before, and it's rough. I'm trying hard not to create a monster, but there is only so much within my control. For example, she always took a bottle fine for the first several weeks of her life. Then, one day, she simply decided she was old enough to have an opinion, and she likes her yummy Mommy better. I feel so bad, but she pitches a fit for anyone that has the pleasure of watching her when she gets hungry. She cries and screams to make her preference known before she'll eventually give in. Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn. And while I've spent a fair amount of time blaming myself, I've come to the conclusion that it's just the personality she was born with. She will learn, I'm confident. I does worry me a little about how long into childhood this stubbornness will last. Forever, no doubt, and it will only make life more difficult for her. (And me!) But at least I know she'll be able to take care of herself. She's a strong one, God bless her! Well, thanks for "listening". I'll post some pictures for ya. I know you prefer those over my ramblings. :)


The Sandoval Family said...

I always enjoy reading your blogs... and the pictures too of course. I still can't get over how much she looks like John.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog, too....It makes me mad that I have been sick, or I would have alreay been there for a picture! Can't wait to see her christmas....:-)




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