Sunday, December 23, 2007

Five Days of Christmas: Day Two

On Saturday we had Christmas at the Hankla house with that extended family. There were 11 adults and 19 "kids". I say "kids" because a handful of us are really adults now, but you get the idea. I'm the oldest grandchild at 23, and the youngest grandchild is 3. Then Julia is the first of the newest generation at nearly 3 months old. At any rate, it was a full house! Jules had her fair share of attention, probably too much, if anything. She was a bit crabby because she needed to poop, so that was hard because everyone wanted to hold her. By the end of the evening she finally let it loose and smiled up a storm. I even heard a true belly laugh for the first time when I retreated to an empty bedroom to feed her. She was so happy in the quiet in there that I stayed for a while, talking and playing with her. I couldn't believe that laugh, though. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Julia slept for a while on the couch. Tiffany came to grab me and tell me to come see how cute Brian was. Awww... she loves her Uncle Brian!

My sister Kristen and cousins Hannah and Amber were talking to Julia on the couch when my Mom said they looked a mobile - three heads leaning in above her. So I held the camera as high as could and got the overhead shot. Cute!

And of course I had to take another one of these. This girl has already gotten enough gifts for five Christmases! We draw names because there are so many of us, but she was spoiled by more than just the one that drew her! It is fun though. The baby shower was mostly clothes and necessities. Now she's just about old enough to start getting into toys. Suddenly, it's a whole new world!

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