Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Okay God, I Get It

It's been a long time, comin', I know. Transitioning from being a mother of one to a mother of two was more difficult than I imagined. I thought the difficulty would be in going from none to one, but boy was I wrong! I absolutely love it, don't get me wrong, and I wouldn't change a thing. But finding time to blog has been beyond challenging. In fact, I had given up on it altogether until very recently.

This fall I joined a MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) group with some friends from church. We meet twice a month, the kids get to participate in awesome kids programs, and us moms get some time to listen to a speaker, make a craft, eat yummy food, and spend time in small discussion groups. Last Friday, the speaker spoke on the topic of self care. She emphasized how mothers of young children need to take time to do something for themselves, besides maybe taking a shower, each day. The thing that came to mind for me was blogging. I used to love putting this blog together, posting pics, and writing to clear my head and organize my thoughts. Then when we broke off into our discussion groups, the mentor in my group mentioned what she called "sacred echoes" which is when God keeps bringing the same thing to your attention through various means, just to drive the point home. So I thought of my Grandma, and how she had told me she missed reading my blog. Then I thought of my father-in-law Tony who was giving me a hard time just the other day because he keeps checking it and seeing the same old post. And then I thought about how blogging was the first thing I thought of when the speaker was speaking. So I made a mental note that day to see about blogging again, but I proceeded to get too busy, like always. Today, though, was the icing on the cake. A friend of mine posted on Facebook that she was going to start blogging again, so I followed the link to her blog because I had never read it before. And what I found there was my story! She wrote about how she was going to MOPS and she felt God was telling her to get back to blogging, etc, etc. How's that for an echo from God? So... God, I am sorry for making you repeat yourself so many times. I get it. And a-blogging I will go! :)




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