Thursday, June 25, 2009

A God Thing

I just had one of those moments. A moment where something so amazingly coincidental happens that you know it is anything but coincidence, but rather a glimpse of the divine plan that our awesome God has for each one of us. As I sit here in complete awe, the only thing I can think to do (aside from praising God for who He is) is blog. There are some interested readers out there, right?

I've always loved to journal. Ever since I was a young teenager, writing has been my way of sorting through thoughts and feelings. It carries over into my spiritual life, too, helping me remember things God has shown me in His Word or jot down a prayer from my heart. Just now, I opened a journal from a few years ago and found the first entry very interesting. First, I wrote 1 Samuel 1:27 (the verse I have in the column to the right, actually) "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." I went on say that God had pointed that verse out to me during a bible study I was doing. Then I wrote about the worries I had been having because we had been trying to get pregnant for a while and the planner in me was anxious and impatient. I wrote that when God gave me that verse, I felt he was reassuring me that our child would come, it just wouldn't be up to me when that would be. I concluded with a prayer, thanking God for the verse, putting the issue in His hands, and acknowledging that He was working his will in my life. Still not seeing the miraculous coincidence? I didn't see it at first, either. Until I noticed the date at the top...


Exactly one year before the day I would give birth to my beautiful daughter, September 30, 2007.

I have goosebumps. I love it when God taps me on the shoulder and says, "Hey, I'm here, I'm in control, and don't you forget it!"

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I'm alone.
And I don't like it one bit.
Tonight, I am so grateful that I belong to a God that promises to never leave me alone, because I'm feelin' it right now. For only the second time since Julia's birth, I am spending the night alone in my house. And after the first time it happened, (when I let Julia spend the night at Marlene's, not thinking that John would be gone working midnights) I swore I would never let it happen again. But, Kristen really wanted Julia to spend the night tonight and since she and my mom will be watching her when I work in the morning anyhow, it just made sense. Plus, I know Kristen will be gone to various places so much this summer, that I wanted to let her have fun with my child while she can. I made the sacrifice. It's just so hard for me not to be greedy, though. I can't even explain it. You wouldn't think it would make that much of a difference. If she were here, she'd just be sleeping quietly in her bed, anyway. But there's just something about knowing that she's not. And usually when someone else keeps her, it's so that John and I can spend some quality time together, in which case I am distracted from missing her. But now, I suddenly remember how much I disliked being alone in the house when John worked midnights when we were first married. And it's completely illogical to feel this way. It's not like my toddler, sleeping in her crib, is going to protect me if someone breaks in or if the house catches fire. I should be more afraid to be here with her when John is gone than to be here without her when John is gone. But...whoever said feelings were logical? I just wanted to share. It helps to share, somehow. Isn't that what blogs are for?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Julia loves any kind of pasta, pronounced "noonoos" in Julia-speak. I pulled out the camera to get some messy face pictures and she turned the character up a notch! She smiled cheesily for this one...

and then when I tried to get a close up, she leaned in even closer and opened her mouth. Such a goof ball!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Two Pink Lines

Does anyone know how to read one of these things?
For those that haven't heard it through the grapevine yet, we are expecting baby #2. I'm 11 weeks along and feeling about the same as last time. No major nausea, just so tired I hardly know what to do with myself some days. Not to mention the occational radical mood swing or emotional breakdown, but how out of the ordinary is that? I'm sure I could blog all afternoon about my "feelings", but I'll spare you all for now. No doubt I'll have to type some novels before it's all said and done, so I'll keep it short this time with a simple announcement. Our second child will be a "Christmas miracle" (as John refers to him/her) with my due date being December 22.
We'll keep you all posted, and until next time, your prayers are very much appreciated!

Lilacs & Dandelions

Mowing the grass with Daddy.
If we're playing outside while Daddy is mowing the grass, Julia will protest until she gets to ride with him for a minute. I blame the grandparents! :) She gets to ride on all kinds of tractors and even a golf cart with Papa and Gaga Mehok.

She can blow, but not quite strong enough to make the seeds scatter in the wind.

I've heard that you know you're loved as a mother when your child picks you a dandelion bouquet.

Now these smell good!

My favorite photo. Love that expression.

Goofy grin.

He loves me... He loves me not... He loves me!
Who is she kidding? We all love her!




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