Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Five Days of Christmas: Day Four

It's Christmas Eve! We spent the afternoon at my Grandma and Grandpa Gulley's house. It was good to see my cousin Rachel home again after spending a semester studying abroad in Germany. The last time she saw me I was pregnant, so she got to meet Julia. My Grandpa bought all the gifts for our exchange this year and there was everything from cookies and a light up globe, to a shower radio and a talking fly swatter. We had fun playing the game while everyone made sure to "watch the baby" laying in the middle of the floor. (You had to be there to appreciate that one!) Later on my Aunt Kathy went home and brought her dog Willie over to play. Someone anonymously sent her a Christmas card from Willie that she's trying hard to get to the bottom of. Anyone out there know who it might have been?

Mary, Mike Jessica, & Julia
We finally remembered to take a picture of four generations when we were all together. Aww...

Here's my Aunt Kathy with a fussy Julia who only wants to be bounced. She wouldn't exactly smile, but we were lucky to get her looking content. She likes to be held up!

And of course, she came home with more loot. The giraffe outfit has feet that look like giraffe heads and the other one says, "Love to shop!" The moose zips up into the snowball, it's cute!

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