Sunday, December 23, 2007

Five Days of Christmas: Day Three

Yay for Sunday! It was nice to spend today away from the hubub of presents and celebrate Jesus's birthday by worshipping Him. Sundays are hectic in their own way, with everyone wanting to see the baby. Generally I get chased down the hallways and cornered a lot! But I can't blame them, she's so stinkin' adorable, especially in her Christmas get-up! This evening was our candlelight service. I sing in the Worship Team, and we sang a couple songs in the beginning, then turned it over to the choir to lead some carols. The lighting of the candles was at the end and Rich (our music minister), being full of surprises as he is, asked us to come up again. At first I was bummed because I was looking forward to holding a candle, but leave it to God to show me something better. I got to stand on stage and watch while the whole congregation passed the flame around and then stood to sing with their faces flickering in the light. It was absolutely beautiful from that perspective. It was the perfect end to the Lord's Day marking the middle of our five days of Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey jessica,

just thought i would visit. like the pics of julia. i have a site too where i mostly post pics of chris, not too much blogging tho. if you want to check them out.

take care,




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