Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It's been about two weeks since my birthday, but I kept forgetting to take this photo. This is my baby/birthday/valentine present from John. Julia's birthstone is the sapphire. Isn't it beautiful?! As much as I love it, it can't compare to these...

Sapphire eyes!

I think they get bluer every day. They started out that newborn blue, kind of dull and almost grayish. Now they have such incredible clarity, and in the sunlight they can take your breath away. I love to see myself reflected in them.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Longer Video

I'm just playing with this new toy. This is a much longer clip, so let me know if it takes an eternity to load and it's just not worth it. I'm so glad John took this video, her cry is so sweet. I remember why I fell in love with it right away, so squeaky and pathetic. She sounds like a cat sometimes!

Newborn Julia

Okay, John and I have been playing with the video camera because I have been feeling so so sad that we haven't taped Julia's first 4 months of life. I'm so scared I'll forget all the silly little things like the sounds she makes. So I made John get out the camera and teach me how to use it-recording, putting it on the computer, editing, etc. When I looked at the tape that was in it I discovered he had taken a few minutes of video at the hospital. There was a small part where he had a conversation with me that I have no recollection of because it was right before my "epidural man" arrived and I was pretty out of it. Then came the awesome part. He had taped her when he was carrying her to me from the area in the room that they cleaned her up in and checked her out right after she was born and then he taped me holding her and talking to her. She's only minutes old. I didn't remember him taking this at all. I'm so excited. This is just a little part of it, but you can see how totally alert she was and making the funniest faces. These are her first moments in the world, seeing her Daddy and Mommy's faces. (Scroll all the way down on this page to the music player and pause the song first.)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sleepy Puppy

Julia fell asleep in her swing with her puppy right on her face. Sometimes I stick him in there with her to give her something to do. Next thing I knew, I looked up and she had had fallen asleep with him, nose to nose. How cute is that?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dancing With Daddy

For those that don't know, I sing with the Worship Team at our church. There are about 10 of us total (that's singing or playing, not including sound/screen people), but it's different on any given Sunday. Our new Minister of Music, Rich, and his wife, Cathy, are amazing to work with. Rich plays the keyboard and we have 2 guitarists, so most of our music is live now. God has really been working in our ministry and the prayers that many of us have prayed for a long time are being answered. I love to be able to serve in this capacity, and I love it that God is using me here. I have no raw talent, really, just a willing heart, and I've learned so much lately. I can even sing a harmony part by myself! (If you know me, you'd know how amazing that is.) The best part has been the impact it's having on our church as a whole. Worship is so vital for each of us individually as well as the church as a whole, and it's evident that we're getting back on track. Another thing that I've loved about being on the team has been Julia's exposure to music. Ever since she could first perceive sound inside me, she's been hearing us all praise God. And now that she's born, she comes along to practices and loves every minute. John takes her up to the sound room, or she lays on a blanket up on the stage with us and listens. When we got to practice this week, I took her out of her car seat and set her up on the front pew. I told John to make sure she didn't tip over, and I went up for the first song. It was a new one, and it really had a beat, especially with the addition of a second guitar. It was fast, and you couldn't help but move. I looked over to see John holding Julia's hands and dancing with her, side to side. It was the cutest thing! I had to jump down and take a quick picture! Look at those two, I am so blessed!

Superbowl Sunday

We spent Sunday evening after church at the Sandoval's house watching the game (well, sort of). It was fun hanging out with some friends we haven't seen in too long.
Daddy and Julia watched the game together. Though I hesitate to admit it, she does love to watch football. Silly Mommy forgot to bring her football rattle - this was the perfect occasion!

Julia got to meet her friend Miles for the first time. They took each others toys, Miles attempted to tackle Julia, Julia attepted to eat Miles, you know, the usual baby interaction! It's so hard to believe that at last year's Superbowl party Sarah was about six weeks from her due date, and I was about six weeks pregnant! Seems like yesterday...

Julia also got to meet Madison. They didn't get to play long because Austin and Madison had been at their own party so they got home just before bed time. Julia was getting sleepy by then, too. But Madison did get to hold her, both girls in their jammies, how sweet!

Big Girl

These are from a week or so ago, but I'm just getting around to posting. I came home from work one day last week and John showed me these pictures he took of Julia actually holding her bottle herself. She needed help getting started, but he said she was giving him so much trouble with her hands that he just let go to see what she'd do. How cute is that? Have I mentioned how overjoyed I am that she is taking these bottles so well? Yeah, I guess I have, a few million times!

Because it's open at the bottom, she can get a grip on the end.

I thought I'd try her out in her Bumbo seat, and she did pretty well. She's still sorta floppy, so she doesn't last too long, but it's good exercise and practice for holding herself up. Who's she talking to on that phone, I wonder?




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