Even though John didn't get me my "Red Rider" this year (that's the gift you want most of all), I can't complain because I got the best gift ever, my baby girl.
After John left for work, we finished opening all the gifts and then I got everything all packed up. Jules and I headed over John's Aunt Lurlene's house to be with his extended family. One of John's cousins had a baby less than a month after I had Julia, so it was fun to see them together. We visited for a few hours and then went home to see Daddy when he got off.
Whew! We made it to and through Christmas Day! John caught bits and pieces of some of it, but I did most of the running on my own the last five days. It's especially hard because I have to keep myself from complaining because I know he would rather be with us, too. Working Christmas is not something he does by choice. I guess that's why it makes me crazy when people say, "Oh, John couldn't be here, that's too bad. The money must be nice though." Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for his job and the money, but that's not why he misses Christmas. If it were up to him, he'd be with us. At least this year she is too young to notice. When she's older, it will be hard to explain why Daddy isn't there. Kids don't understand that. But by then I will have prayed that much longer for his job schedule to change. No worries. This Christmas, however, I pulled my hair out. (At least I would have if it wasn't already falling out, but that's another topic altogether. The things they don't tell you about having a baby!) I will admit that I nearly lost my mind. We visited five different houses and tons of people, all of which would have been heartbroken if we hadn't made it to theirs. And it's not that I don't love everyone, too, but somethins gotta give. I could even tell that it was affecting Jules. Way too much fussing over her by day five. Poor thing. She's the kind of baby that likes to just lay on the floor and play, or sit in her swing. She got fed up with being passed around and having her picture taken. (I'm at fault there, too.) We're both glad to be in our home sweet home. Not to be rude to all our hosts and hostesses out there, but there's no place like home. You understand.
I have been where you are before. Only I was alone for those few years. Sometimes people have to understand that you are only 1 person, and sometimes you just don't want to go everywhere all the time. With John or without him. You just want to enjoy this time with your baby girl without all the fuss. That is why I'm so grateful to have family that is so understanding. send me your email: jenndavid@embarqmail.com
I loved the 5 days of Christmas Jessica! You write well! :-)
Kiss Julia for me!! :-)
So I guess this would be a bad time to ask you guys to come visit us here. haha Just kidding. All these picture make me miss my Mehok friends so much!
Ahhh Jess,
THIS too shall pass and you will be looking for it back at times I am sure..how I wish at times some were back with us to run to again.
Been there in the "running" from place to place.You brought back some memories there in your writing.
But aren't ya lucky they all live fairly close, and that this only happens once a year.
Catch ya later...
P.S. to Stephanie, we miss the Sandoval's too. :-)
Yes, you're right. I am so grateful for all the family I have so close. That's the trouble, I guess. While I get stressed trying to go everywhere, I can't imagine skipping anyone. I enjoyed myself at each stop - the difficult part was usually getting there!
Hey Jess, next year we have the Gulley's at your house... you wouldn't have to go anywhere!That would simplify ONE day wouldn't it?? haha Just wait for us to come.. LOL
thinking, I'm thinking!:-)
Love Ya! Gramma
And teasing....
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