Saturday, May 31, 2008


I've been tagged by my friend Stephanie to share five random things about myself. Here it goes...

One: I've lived in the same town my whole life. Will I ever escape "The Region"? Doubtful.

Two: My dear husband John is the only boy I ever dated. That's one area of my life that God made easy for me. He led me straight to the man I'd marry, and for that I have always been grateful.

Three: I'm hopelessly addicted to reruns of the Family Feud. The DVR records them, and I zip through an episode, skipping the commercials, when I get a chance. I can't explain why I like it so much. Probably because it's a gameshow you don't have be very smart or good with trivia to play.

Four: My least favorite task as a mother, that I would gladly never have to do again, is clipping teeny little baby nails. I HATE it! Sure, poopy diapers are stinky and crabby bedtime can be a chore, but nothing compares to clipping microscopic nails twice a week. I think it's so stressful because I know I can hurt her if I mess up. Not the case with things like poop and crabbiness.

Five: I'm nearly blind. I don't know the actual criteria for being "legally blind", but I have to be close. I'm near-sighted, and I honestly can't read a clock five feet from my face if I don't have glasses on or contacts in. My dream is to have it corrected someday.

Okay, the only people that I know that have blogs and haven't already been tagged are my brother Brian and my cousin Jennifer. So, post five random things guys and then tag someone else!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Now I actually have to do it.....




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