Monday, May 12, 2008

The Mehok Homestead

We celebrated Mother's Day with the Mehok's on Saturday. While John and I were sitting on the porch swing, we decided that their place really needs a name. I said, "It's not really a farm or a ranch, but it's more than your average suburban house." He came up with "homestead" and I think it's perfect! They have 17 acres with a little orchard, flower garden, ducks & chickens, a pole barn, blackberries in summer, a couple dogs, a front porch swing, and even a tractor. Speaking of which...
Julia had fun with Grandpa Tony on his big, red tractor. Her instinct was to grab the wheel of course!
Happy Mother's Day, Mommy! I love these pictures. We sat down by the Bleeding Hearts to pose, but of course Julia wanted to touch. She picked me some flowers for Mother's Day, isn't that sweet? I pressed them for her scrapbook.

I live with this face, and it still gets me every time. I have the most beautiful baby in all creation. Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong... I dare you!
Nothing better than relaxing on the porch swing. Julia loved to watch and listen to the traffic. There's plenty of it, with the homestead being right on 41.
Mehok Mothers. Nana, Jessica, Marlene, and of course Julia.


Jena Webber said...

Nice family!

The Sandoval Family said...

So what did Julia and daddy get you for your first Mother's day?

Anonymous said...

Awwwww.....I loved the pictures with the bleeding hearts.....looks like mine.....hehe.....I pass the homestead twice a week with Willie for agility.....I am going to have to stop there one day!! :-)

Happy First Mothers Day..... :-)

Brian M. Gulley said...

finally!!! Got all these pictures of Julia Goolia but none of you together. If ya keep going like this your going to be like dad and have not documentation that you were around when she was young!




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