Thursday, May 8, 2008

Here & There

These are some pictures I took here and there over the last month. Enjoy!
Catch the water! The cup has holes in it, and when I let the water drip down on her, she reaches for the water and tries to grab it instead of the cup! Love it!

We were out to eat one evening and Julia was not cooperative at all. She was tired earlier than normal that night and she let us know it! I ended up standing up with her while Mom and Kristen ate so she wouldn't scream and annoy all the fine people in the restaurant trying to eat in peace. So, when Kristen finished eating, she kindly took her so I could speed-eat my chimichanga. And being the master Aunt she is, Kristen got her to sleep and even managed to sit down and not wake her. Thanks Auntie K!

We had dinner at Tony & Marlene's to celebrate all the April birthdays in the Mehok family. Tony tends to be camera shy, so this was a good photo op!

Who wants to kiss this adorable pruney face?! Julia is steadily making her way through "solids". She's had squash, grean beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, pears, bananas, and prunes. Only applesause and peaches left and she will have made it through all the Stage 1 veggies and fruits. (You can only introduce one new one every four days or so to check for allergies.) Stage 2 foods will have combinations, so that will be fun. Another update: Julia has one little tooth poking through on the bottom. We're seeing a little more of it all time, and it looks as though his next door neighbor is right on his heels.

You should see Julia play, now, it would crack you up. Like a little monkey, her feet are as involved as her hands, usually. She'll have one toy in her hands, and be playing with another with her feet. This one she can kick and hold the string at the same time! The funniest thing, though, is how she rolls. She travels long distances now, simply by rolling over and over in the same direction until she gets what she's after or gets stuck. I can put her in the middle of the floor with no toys and she will roll over to her little toy basket, tip it over, and be surrounded by toys in the time it takes me to go to the bathroom. I crack up when I come back and she looks like that picture above, happily playing with a mess of toys spread everywhere. Balls are particularly hilarious because when she tries to grab one, it rolls away, and she has to keep reaching and rolling to get it. In spite of all the frustration they cause her, she never gives up on them. The not-so-funny aspect of this new trick is how frequently she needs rescuing. If the distance to her desired destination requires an even number of rolls, all is well. BUT, if it's an odd number, then she ends up on her tummy when she hits the wall (or coffee table, or whatever), usually with one arm still stuck underneath herself, and she shrieks until the situation is rectified. Not so funny if I'm trying to accomplish something like laundry or cooking. Especially not so funny when she continues to do it over and over, after every time I set her straight. Some motherly instinct is telling me that this isn't going to change as she grows up. Even as she gets older, I know she's going to get into trouble in spite of my warnings, sometimes making the same mistakes over and over again. My job is to keep teaching her the right way, and keep standing by to correct her when she makes another mistake. And above all else, to keep loving her through it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Going out to dinner is so much fun now right? It looks like you went to Mi Tierra. Wait until she can walk! Thats the only place we can go to anymore. There's not a whole lot of people in there usually and Autumn can do her thing and walk around. Otherwise it's order in!




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