Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Coming soon...

The updates are coming soon, ya'll, I promise! It's driving me crazy that I haven't been able to find the time to do it. In fact, just now I had to go into the other room to get Jules because she rolled herself into a corner and was screaming hysterically because she was stuck on her tummy. What was that, two sentences into the "sorry I'm procrastinating" blog, and I'm already interrupted? Goodness. I have a long mental list of all the posts I'm planning, though. That's the trouble... I haven't posted because we've been so busy, but I also have more to post because we've been so busy! Soon, I promise. Right now I have to feed Julia dinner and get off to Worship Team practice. Later!


Bud & Mary said...

Been wondering...

Will look forward to the posts...

Jennifer said...

Excuses, Excuses. We have been the same over here, too. Don't feel bad.




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