Saturday, March 29, 2008

Just an Ordinary Bath Towel

Routine tasks have taken on an added dimension now that Julia is grabbing onto anything within her reach. Diaper changing is fun when she keeps reaching for her toes. Dressing is interesting when the piece of clothing I need is always the one she has a death grip on. And just try buckling her into her car seat! As soon as you've set her in it, she's playing with the straps & buckles. I'm so scared I'm going to pinch her one of these days. The challenge today was bath time. When I laid her on her towel, she grabbed the corner furthest away and pulled it right up between her legs, straight to the mouth. I just had to let her play a minute before I snatched it away to put her clothes on. (A thought... Maybe this is why it takes us so long to accomplish anything - everything we do turns into playtime!) Hey, why rush through life when you can take such joy in everyday moments? I'm not going to look back on all these tasks as mundane & routine, but rather as an adventure that I have the fondest memories of! Nothing "ordinary" happens around here anymore! Every day, every moment, is new and exciting through the eyes of a child. Even when to you and I, it's just an ordinary bath towel.


Brian M. Gulley said...

why o why couldnt you have an ugly baby!! I want one so bad! she is so adorable!!! Jew ya jew ya uncle brian loves you jew ya

Anonymous said...

LOL....Brian, about the ugly baby! But I think you guys best wait....Hugs!! :-)...I had to say *Jew Ya* a few time before I got that one, Bri.....LOL...Cute!

Yep, she is so photogenic! That one picture of her in the car with the fuzzy hair looking up, is my desk top...I love it!...did I say that already? Hmmmm.....seems like it...LOL...You take the best pictures of her, Jessica!....





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