Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fun Photos

"Rubber Ducky, you're the one. You make bath time lots of fun. Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you!"
This book was in Julia's Easter basket from my Mom. The name brand is "Taggies". They make blankets and snuggly things with tags all the way around bacause of the way kids like play with the tags on everything. They're made of ribbons of all different textures - cute idea. But what does my daughter do every time? She locates the real tag on the thing to chew on. Too smart for her own good.

Julia loves to play in her exersaucer, now. I was so glad when she finally got strong enough to support herself in it. The seat spins and she can turn herself around to reach all the different toys. And she can make each of them do what it's supposed to do, too. They all go in the mouth of course, whether they're meant to or not! That face just kills me... and I see it every day! She will never cease to amaze me.

"Mmmm... socks!

Almost as good as toes!

But I'll get to those soon enough - just gotta make it over the heal with this thing!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, *Fun* it was to see before leaving for work.....:-)

As always, kiss those cheeks for me! :-)




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