Monday, March 10, 2008

Women's Retreat

Last weekend a group of ladies from our church went on a women's retreat in Indianapolis. When it first came up a while back, I didn't think I'd be able to go, having to nurse Julia. I knew I could take her with me, but the older she gets the harder it is to keep to her happy and quiet in situations like that. But, God worked it out and John miraculously had those two days off. It was actually HIS idea to come along and watch the baby while I went to classes. Isn't he the greatest?! The convention is held in the hotel, so they stayed in the room right down the hall and I would come to feed her when she needed it.

Here she is, in her car seat, all ready to go. She's in a bit of a daze, it was an early morning!

John drove the church bus so most of us could ride together. There were so many, my Mom still had to drive her van with a few people. She took Julia, too. I split my time between the bus with John and the van with Julia.

Playing with her toys, such a good girl.

I was most scared about the 3 hour drive for her, but she did pretty well. She only screamed for the last few minutes on the trip there (because she wanted OUT) and for a few minutes on the trip home (she was hungry that time, but we stopped so I could feed her and then she fell asleep). Overall, I'd call it a success. I've decided that when we take our Jeep trips in June and October that it will be easier to try to do most of the driving at night when she can sleep.

Julia's first night sleeping away from home. We got a room with a king size bed, so she slept between us. John said he hardly moved all night, poor guy! I enjoyed it of course! (Confession: I sneak in naps on the couch with her whenever I can. Had one today as a matter of fact! Sleeping babies are heavenly.)

This is our whole group, right before we left.

And this is our small family.

We all had an incredible time. It was a great chance to get to know some people I didn't know so well and have fun with those I do. All the speakers were great and I learned a lot in the breakout sessions. Can't wait to go again next year! Our goal is to double the group size. I'm signing you all up!


Sarah V said...

I am so impressed, John! From the group picture, it looks like you were the hit of the women's retreat! :)

Is her hair getting lighter or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

Glad you all had fun! I love that picture of Julia in the bed with her dad....*Lucy, shaking head....Man does she look like her dad!!*......LOL.....Great pictures!!

Sarah, I see some peach fuzz, too..LOL..can't wait to see her again this weekend!

Hugs! :-)

Sam and Jen said...

Cute pictures! Glad you had fun at the women's retreat and that you were able to go. Remember the retreat where we pulled an all nighter at your house? That was a lot of fun! I miss the good ole days.




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