Thursday, April 3, 2008

Six Months Old

Okay, I've been procrastinating. I was dragging my feet all the way to the computer to write this entry. I think this means I have to admit I don't have a newborn anymore. That is such a hard fact to swallow. Maybe if never write the six month update, it will be as if it never happened! Maybe this has all been one of those crazy dreams you have when you're pregnant and I'm going to wake up soon with my baby still inside me and do it all for real this time. Sadly, I know this isn't true. While the last six months have felt like dream and passed in the blink of an eye, it all happened, and none of us are allowed re-do's. I have no regrets, I only wish I could do it over for the sheer enjoyment of each moment. I feel like it's still sinking in. I'm a mother. And I'm not even really a new mother anymore, so I don't have that excuse not to have my act together. Every day is new and different. While things have certainly settled down, and John and I have both adjusted to always including the third member of our family, there still isn't really a sense of "normal". I'm glad, though. At first, I missed "normal" and wanted it back. I was comfortable with a predictable routine and I liked knowing what would come next. I guess that's one of the biggest ways motherhood has changed me. As a mother I can prepare to an extent - keep a stock of diapers in the closet, pack a change of clothes, and take the camera everywhere I go. But really, while it's comforting to feel prepared for anything, mothers understand that you never know what's coming next. Just as soon as I think I've identified a sleep or poop pattern, she does it differently. Just when I think, "This child will never take a bottle", she does. And it seems like every time I turn around she is doing something new. Playing with a toy differently, making a new face or sound, smiling at me in full recognition of my face, laughing hysterically at something stupid, crying when her toy is taken away, rolling over like she's been doing it for years. I don't care who you are, you can't be prepared for these things. No, I no longer know what's coming next. But I like it that way. I just get to provide for her every need, and then sit back and watch her grow. Which milestone will she pass next? I don't pretend to know, but I anxiously await the surprise. This has been a hard adjustment for me. At first I wanted to know "when". When will she be able to hold her head up, or roll over, or sleep through the night, or crawl, or say "ma ma"? But I've come to realize, the fun is in the surprise and the waiting. So what if she's rolling over later than most, that gives me more time to babyproof before she's moving all over! Could she be sitting on her own by now? Sure, but because she can't, she still needs me and that's okay, too. In six months, I've learned not to stress. She is beautiful, smart, and perfect. She will surprise me with every new talent, and my job is to facilitate growth and provide everything she needs to keep developing however God sees fit. I love to wake up each morning to see her face and wonder what the day has in store for us. We "go with flow", and it is so much fun! Are you ready for your update yet?

At six months old Julia...
  • is completely weaned off both medicines for reflux!
  • has taken two short road trips with moderate amounts of crying each time. (Mommy has decided she'd rather drive long distances through the night!)
  • has discovered she can eat her toes (and pull socks off to get to them).
  • can roll from her tummy to her back as long as her arm doesn't get stuck.
  • is in a size 2 diaper and just now moving to 6-9 mo. clothing.
  • talks all the time, sometimes screaming.
  • will laugh when she is tickled or something strikes her as funny.
  • still crabs at bedtime but then sleeps 12 hours with a couple feedings in there.
  • holds her body up well when she's held or sitting in a seat.
  • reaches for and grabs whatever she can. Favorites are paper and hair.
  • has just started eating cereal. Veggies and fruits follow shortly after, so watch for photos!
  • sticks her tongue out and blows spit bubbles.
  • rubs her eyes when she's sleepy. (Too cute!)
  • will cry when you take something from her that she wants.
  • still thumps her feet on the floor/bed when she's laying on her back.
  • can go 5+ hours during the day without eating and not complain! (Even when I feel like I'm going to burst!)
  • puts everything in her mouth.
  • weighs 15 pounds and measures 26 1/2 inches long.

Most importantly, she is still the best baby I've ever come across, and I'm not just saying that because she's mine! For the most part, she rarely complains. She'll fuss before she falls asleep or if something hurts her or scares her, of course, but usually she's happy. She'll play for long stretches by herself on the floor or in the exersaucer or swing. Sometimes she doesn't even fuss when she's hungry. She'll sleep 12 hours as long as she eats about every 4. We are so blessed, I know. I could not have asked for more. Perfect example of my amazing daughter - At her six month check-up she got 2 shots. For the first one, she didn't make a sound. For the second, she cried out, but then was done before I could pick her up after the nurse stuck the band-aid on. Unbelievable. That's my girl, she'll be strong. She likes to think she doesn't need me, but I know better. And I know how very much I need her! What an incredible gift - this life, this child, these last six months. I wouldn't trade it for the world!


Bud & Mary said...

Ahhhh Proud Momma.. What a wonderful story/report..
It brings back memories of ages ago and my own special children. And I can feel everything you are going thru. Isn't it exciting? And each child will bring new things to the family, different things, wonderful things.
Love ya Jess, and Julia is a pip to say the least. I am sooo blessed to be in your lives, and to share her growing years.. and some of the "firsts" Thanks a bunch! Next will be a bit of baby sitting time.. :-)

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, what a great 6 months update! They have flown, for sure.....I can't wait to see the first feeding pictures.....I still have the chair Jennifer sat in to eat her first solid.....mashed rip banana's.....I know, I know....sad.....LOL....LOL

You write so beautiful! Love ya and baby Julia, too....Thanks to Mother, I have her * perfectly round face in the air* picture on my fridge to make me smile....LOL

Hugs!! :-)




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