Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hooray for Kristen!

Kristen was baptized last Sunday. She made a committment when she was younger, but as it happens often, when she reached an older age she questioned whether that initial committment was sincere. I did the same thing. So, she recommitted herself and was baptized on Sunday night. We really have seen a change in her since she made that important decision. We're proud of you Kristen! Keep living for God!
Sorry this picture is blurry. All mine turned out that way and I haven't checked out the ones my Dad took yet. I believe my mom even took some from off to the side where she was waiting with a towel for her to come out. Maybe I'll post more later.

Here's Julia's Sunday dress. I wanted to show how cute she looks in her booties crocheted by Marlene. She has a rainbow assortment and they're fitting her perfectly now. They're super nice because they tie so they stay on, and they're warm but more flexible than shoes so she can wiggle her toes. Have you ever tried to put shoes on a baby? She curls her toes the instant you grab her foot so it's like trying to shove a ball of a foot into a flat shoe. Not fun for either of us! Anywho... the booties are perfect. Whenever I put a crocheted bonnet and sweater on her, too, she looks like a little Amish baby. :) I also love how her eyes glow when she wears blue. Why couldn't that be the girls' color? I think I read somewhere that it used to be until about 100 years ago. Can't remember why it changed. Anyone else good with useless facts?


Jennifer said...

Tell Kristen, Congrats from me! That is wonderful! Next time you dress Julia like a Amish girl, take a picture for me! How sweet.

Bud & Mary said...

Yes we too are very proud of Kristen. Grandpa Gulley never comes back to church in the evening EVEN for the 5th Sunday sing. And this time he does, tho we did not know she was being baptised. How good is God? and what a testimony!

And little Julia in this picture has a 'stata baba' look to me. LOL Like a little ole grandma. I can remember my grandma sitting like that! and tapping her finger. HOW ODD! But you are right Blue is a great girls color!

Anonymous said...

Awww! Julia looks so cute as usual. That's awesome about Kristen. That picture brought back memories. Hope you guys had a good New Years!

The Sandoval Family said...

We're all so happy to hear Kristen's news. We miss our favorite babysitter.




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