Saturday, January 19, 2008

Full Circle: A New Trick

About two weeks ago, I discovered Julia on her mat with her legs straddling one of the sides of the arch. I laughed out loud, it was so funny to see her get herself stuck there and then need rescuing. Since then, she has gotten it down to an art. I start her out the right way, with her feet where she can kick the end and her arms where she can reach the toys. She pulls her legs all the way up to her chest, rolls onto her side, and then when she straightens out again her body turns slightly. She does this over and over, and when she comes to a bar she just pulls her legs in extra tight to her body, rolls onto her side so they swing around it, and then when she straightens out she's on the other side of it. Sometimes she gets caught straddling it, but sometimes she makes it around it all in one move. This particular time, the whole process took about 40 minutes. She's playing with her toys and eating her hands all along the way. I just kept checking on her to take pictures. What cracks me up is that she stays on the mat the whole time. You'd think she would eventually squirm all the way off, but she never does. Too funny. She seems so ready to roll over. They say babies usually roll from tummy to back first because it's easier, but she hates being on her tummy, so she usually just arches her back, pops up on her stomach and throws a fit. She can push up on her arms, but you can't make her like it! So I think she'll go from her back to her tummy first. Maybe if she can get herself from back to tummy and vice versa, it won't make her so mad to be on her tummy. I hope so anyway. We'll see. When it happens, you'll be the first to know!


Anonymous said...

Cute!!LOL....Cracks me up that she stays on the mat!I have to come by this week....Expect a call....Kiss her for me!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Almost rolling over time!

Anonymous said...

Just a test....sorry Jess.




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