Sunday, January 10, 2010

Over the River and Through the Woods

Or just around the corner, to Grandmother's house we go! After we did the Santa thing at home on Christmas Day, we drove around the corner to my Grandma and Grandpa Gulley's house. We had lots of yummy food and played the gift exchange game that you do for white elephants, except we buy nicer grab bag things. There was quite a bit of "stealing" this year, so it was interesting! Julia got her fair share of gifts, too! Dogs were the theme, I guess, cuz she got one from my grandparents and one from my Aunt Kathy that you program with her name and favorite things so it includes them when it talks and sings. Too cool.

Great Grandma Gulley and Jenna, her fifth great granddaughter with no boys yet!

Me, Kristen and my Mom. And Jenna is nursing there under my awesome new nursing cover. Love it! I didn't have to leave the room to feed her. This thing is going to drastically improve the next year of my life!

This is the puppy Julia got from my grandparents. It came with a carrier and lots of accessories, and she loves it. I never got a pic of the leapfrog one my Aunt Kathy gave her. I'll have to get one!

Great Grandpa Gulley and Julia

Nana and Jenna

My cousin Rachel and Jenna

Grandpa lifted us like this when we were kids. Now it's Julia's turn and he's still got the guns to do it!

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