Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mehok Christmas

John's family came to our house to celebrate Christmas on the 23rd. His brother, parents, and grandparents brought the gifts to us and we ordered pizza! I was thankful that we didn't have to get out.

Gaga, Jenna and Julia. Marlene is making up for the girls she never had with plenty of granddaughters!

Poppy, Nana, Julia and Jenna

Nana is watching all the smiling faces Jenna makes in her sleep.

Julia asked Santa for a sit n spin when she sat on his lap. I guess Gaga overheard!

A computer! Parents love learning toys, thanks Gaga and Papa!

Why open it when you when you can play with it in the box?

Julia is showing Gaga the calendar she got her with pictures of her in it!

John is the master at guessing his Christmas presents. You can't so much as let him see a wrapped present and he can tell you what it is, even down to the size or color or whatever. His Dad challenged him to guess this one. He's thinking hard, but he had nothin'.

A ginormous deep fryer! Nice. Now he can join the masses of men deep frying their turkeys on Thanksgiving! Or maybe it's a hint his Dad wants him to take over the annual fish fry?

Julia is showing Jenna her new toy.

After John put Julia's giraffe bike together the next morning, we found her with the screwdriver, "fixing it".

Daddy helping Julia peddle.

1 comment:

Powell Family said...

whoa! blaine thought santa spoiled autumn! maybe she got more quantity, but julia got BIG things your brave! i smell a play date!




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