Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Many Faces of Jenna

I have Kristen to thank for these first pics of Jenna wide awake. I was having a hard time getting any of her when she was awake and happy. She sleeps all the time, and when she does wake up, it's usually because she's hungry or gassy and then she's just mad! So thanks for catching her while she was in a good mood Kristen!

I took these next ones. She was sleeping sweetly, and then woke up mad about something, so I took some crying pictures. It may be mean, but I did it with Julia, too. Hey, they spend so much of their newborn time crying, why not get some pictures of it?!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I should be a professional...she looks so precious esp. the one with her little hand up by her face! Love you jess! Call me anytime you need help!




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