Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lake County Fair

Yep, we made it to the Lake County Fair one day. Of course, Jules is too small for any rides, so we really just walked around and ate food we shouldn't have. Julia loves to be outside, though, so it was a fun outing.

Peek a boo!

Mmm... thanks for sharing, Daddy!

She said the sun was in her eyes, but I think she just wanted to wear Daddy's shades!

She's saying bye-bye, it's time to go.

It was a busy afternoon, as you can tell. Zzzz...


Anonymous said...

Glad you made it to the fair.....we made it too.....and ate once.....LOL.....Man, I bet that ice cream was good!! :-)

Unknown said...

She looks just like daddy in this picture of her sleeping!!!




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