Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lilacs & Dandelions

Mowing the grass with Daddy.
If we're playing outside while Daddy is mowing the grass, Julia will protest until she gets to ride with him for a minute. I blame the grandparents! :) She gets to ride on all kinds of tractors and even a golf cart with Papa and Gaga Mehok.

She can blow, but not quite strong enough to make the seeds scatter in the wind.

I've heard that you know you're loved as a mother when your child picks you a dandelion bouquet.

Now these smell good!

My favorite photo. Love that expression.

Goofy grin.

He loves me... He loves me not... He loves me!
Who is she kidding? We all love her!


Bud & Mary said...

Congrats again!!
I love your take on dandelion bouquets.. it had sort of faded from "memory" all the dandelion bouquets.. especially from your dad...
Great pictures as always...
(((hugs))) and kisses to all...

Aunt Kathy said...

Awwwwwww......keep her smelling the flowers!!





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