Thursday, June 25, 2009

A God Thing

I just had one of those moments. A moment where something so amazingly coincidental happens that you know it is anything but coincidence, but rather a glimpse of the divine plan that our awesome God has for each one of us. As I sit here in complete awe, the only thing I can think to do (aside from praising God for who He is) is blog. There are some interested readers out there, right?

I've always loved to journal. Ever since I was a young teenager, writing has been my way of sorting through thoughts and feelings. It carries over into my spiritual life, too, helping me remember things God has shown me in His Word or jot down a prayer from my heart. Just now, I opened a journal from a few years ago and found the first entry very interesting. First, I wrote 1 Samuel 1:27 (the verse I have in the column to the right, actually) "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." I went on say that God had pointed that verse out to me during a bible study I was doing. Then I wrote about the worries I had been having because we had been trying to get pregnant for a while and the planner in me was anxious and impatient. I wrote that when God gave me that verse, I felt he was reassuring me that our child would come, it just wouldn't be up to me when that would be. I concluded with a prayer, thanking God for the verse, putting the issue in His hands, and acknowledging that He was working his will in my life. Still not seeing the miraculous coincidence? I didn't see it at first, either. Until I noticed the date at the top...


Exactly one year before the day I would give birth to my beautiful daughter, September 30, 2007.

I have goosebumps. I love it when God taps me on the shoulder and says, "Hey, I'm here, I'm in control, and don't you forget it!"


Bud & Mary said...

I have goose bumps too, Ahhhh yes God is Awesome, and exciting, and good to us beyond our knowledge. BUT once in awhile HE confirms His presence in our lives so vividly, does He not??

Zoe79 said...

That is so amazing! What a great reminder....I love those!

Powell Family said...

I LOVE IT!!! What a cool story. Your kids are going to have some awesome scrapbooks!

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome testimony.....


Roy and Phyllis Prater said...

Yes, There are interested readers out here. We love the pictures of Julia, the tidbits of her daily adventures and growing up. We also enjoy the glimpses into your spiritual journey. Julia has a very appropriate middle name. Thank you for sharing and witnessing through your blog.

Roy and Phyllis Prater said...

Yes, there are some very interested readers out here. We enjoy the adorable pictures of Julia and the accounts of her daily adventures but we also enjoy these glimpses of your own spiritual journey. Isn't the gift of parenthood one of God's greatest? Thank you for sharing and witnessing through your blog.

Roy and Phyllis Prater said...

Yes, there are some very interested readers out here. We enjoy the adorable pictures of Julia and the accounts of her daily adventures. But, we also appreciate the glimpses into your spiritual journey. Julia has a very appropriate middle name. Isn't parenthood one of God's greatest gifts? Thank you for sharing and witnessing through your blog.

Roy and Phyllis Prater said...

Did it up right, didn't we? Three times is better than none, LOL




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