Friday, November 7, 2008

Roof Day

On October 18, we had a new roof put on. The Builders for Christ group from our church came and did the labor. They are a missions team that goes every June to help build churches across the country. They also do work for church members sometimes. And no, we're obviously not needy (although who isn't at least a little needy, really?), so we're donating to their cause as a thank you for all the help. And when I say "all the help", I mean all of it! They showed up at our house bright and early with more people than I could have imagined. I think there were somewhere between 25 and 30 volunteers here. It was humbling to see them all work. They had the old roof scraped off in minutes, it seemed like. Those that couldn't be up on the roof took loads to the dumpster and cleaned up nails. It was a sight to behold. Thank you so much Builders for Christ!

Julia slept through the noise at first, incredibly.

Here they are, all in row, scraping the old shingles off.

Julia kept trying to reach all the people up high. She's smart enough to know that people aren't supposed to be up there!

Kristen took this picture of John.

This contraption looks like a ladder, but it's motorized and it has a plate on it that they loaded the shingles on and then it lifted them all the way up to be unloaded.

Kristen loved being up there.

What's this? Supervisors' meeting?
All jokes aside, they could be discussing the fact that we're running out of shingles. We were just short, but John took a trip to Menards and came up with the last few we needed.

Rich, Blaine, Chris, and my Grandpa Gulley stuck around to tack down the last few. Thanks, guys, for seeing it through!

1 comment:

Bud & Mary said...

I hope the weather is better than they say for your dad's tomorrow..

Loved all the recent photos.. Gramma Gulley




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