Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jeep Jamboree (Day 2)

Yeah, come Saturday morning, Julia was tired! Sleeping in the hotel room was rough. She's old enough now to know her own bed and bedroom and she did not enjoy sleeping elsewhere, even in bed with us. Consequently, John and I didn't sleep well either. But come dawn, or before it really, we were on the go again. Julia slept on the way to the "barn" for breakfast and most of the first leg of the trail rides. She needed it!

As you can tell, she looks a tad unhappy. Or like she's sleeping with her eyes open.

This is John's brother's Jeep. He and his girlfriend Reyna were there with us.

Hi Reyna! Say cheese! We took many pictures of each other. That's the trouble with photographing Jeep adventures, you get the best pictures of other Jeeps. I also spend a lot of time getting in and out to play photographer.

Quick family shot.

It was cool in the morning and then really warmed up that afternoon, so people were ditching there doors all over the field we parked and picnicked in. I thought it was funny to see them there. The red ones are John's of course.

Cool photo. The trees were cut in this area to lay a pipeline. We were moving from one trail to the next.

Oh, you know me and random flower pictures. They're weeds, I'm sure, but I love taking pictures of flowers away from home.

Eeek! No caption necessary.
(No Jeeps were harmed in the making of this photo)

Have I mentioned how much I love baby toes?! Especially MY baby's toes!
I'd say she looks relaxed, wouldn't you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE baby toes, too!! Specially if they smell a tad.....LOL..LOL...The flowers are pretty and I do not know what they are....Loved the pic's and can't wait show show Jay....:-)




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