So I'm behind on posting, what else is new? On June 28, our church had Sunday services at Central Park. It was a beautiful day and a lot of fun. We set up some sound equipment and I heard rumors that people could hear us miles away. Scary thought, considering how incredibly difficult it was to sing with the travel set-up. Oh well, maybe now we have the kinks worked out for next year! Regardless, I know God was praised and that was the whole point, after all!
She did pretty well staying quiet and still. As well as can be expected for a toddler!
Smiles that pretty are usually reserved for when she is doing something she knows she shouldn't, so I was lucky to get one for the camera.
Feeding Gaga watermelon. I love how her mouth is open. Anyone that has ever fed a baby knows that it's nearly impossible to do so without opening your own mouth. I guess Julia is no exception.
Gaga took Julia on a walk around the park trying to get her to sleep. (Yeah right, but bless her for trying!) When she came back over, Jules had her feet kicked back, relaxing, but was still wide awake. We skipped the nap that day and went to bed early.
My child has a thing for ice. Most kids sleep with a teddy bear or blankie...Julia requires a cup of ice water to go to bed. How's that for originality? Anyway, when they started dumping the coolers, she was all over that ice. I said no a few times, then gave in. A little dirt don't hurt, I suppose. Her little hands were freezing, but she was happy, safe and occupied, the three things every mom most desires for their child!
1 comment:
Love the feet shot!! LOL
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