Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dancing With Daddy

For those that don't know, I sing with the Worship Team at our church. There are about 10 of us total (that's singing or playing, not including sound/screen people), but it's different on any given Sunday. Our new Minister of Music, Rich, and his wife, Cathy, are amazing to work with. Rich plays the keyboard and we have 2 guitarists, so most of our music is live now. God has really been working in our ministry and the prayers that many of us have prayed for a long time are being answered. I love to be able to serve in this capacity, and I love it that God is using me here. I have no raw talent, really, just a willing heart, and I've learned so much lately. I can even sing a harmony part by myself! (If you know me, you'd know how amazing that is.) The best part has been the impact it's having on our church as a whole. Worship is so vital for each of us individually as well as the church as a whole, and it's evident that we're getting back on track. Another thing that I've loved about being on the team has been Julia's exposure to music. Ever since she could first perceive sound inside me, she's been hearing us all praise God. And now that she's born, she comes along to practices and loves every minute. John takes her up to the sound room, or she lays on a blanket up on the stage with us and listens. When we got to practice this week, I took her out of her car seat and set her up on the front pew. I told John to make sure she didn't tip over, and I went up for the first song. It was a new one, and it really had a beat, especially with the addition of a second guitar. It was fast, and you couldn't help but move. I looked over to see John holding Julia's hands and dancing with her, side to side. It was the cutest thing! I had to jump down and take a quick picture! Look at those two, I am so blessed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sweet!




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