Friday, February 26, 2010

Baby & Toddler

So, turns out keeping up with two kids is harder than it looks! Not that I ever believed it would be easy, but I must admit that the areas I have the most difficulty with are things I didn't see coming, while some things that I thought would be so difficult have ended up being a cakewalk. Such is life, I suppose, there is really no way to prepare yourself for children, whether they are your first, second, or 19th child, you just never know what will happen next, and you have to take it one day at a time. So that's what we do around here! We survive one day at a time, looking to the next!

It's funny, John and I were talking the other day about people's questions and expectations. As soon as you're engaged, they want to know what date you've picked. As soon as you're married, they want to know when you're having a baby, as soon as you have a baby, they want to know when you're having another. And, I've now found, as soon as you have your second, they want to know how many you plan to have. It's kind of funny, really, I would have thought I'd get asked when we'll have another. But I guess after two, most people stop assuming you will have more and just want to know whether or not you are, and how many! And that question still stumps me every time. We're taking baby steps with baby making, not daring to plan our end game too early on! I can say one thing though, as far as it depends on me, if there is a third, there will be more than a two year, three month gap this time! Whew! update on Jenna, youngest first for a change! She has passed the two month mark, and by the looks of her, seems even older! It's incredibly sad for a mommy, having her second grow up even faster than the first, literally! She turned 2 months old on the 16th of February and had her doctor's appointment the same day. She weighed 13 lbs, 10 oz, and was 24 inches long! That's a gain of 5 1/2 pounds in about 9 weeks! More than 1/2 pound a week! She is amazing, though. It is a change for me, having a chunker, because Julia is so long and lean. I absolutely love it though. I can't get enough of those chipmunk cheeks and her thighs crack me up at every diaper change with rolls upon rolls upon rolls. Adorable. And while I hesitate to speak too soon, she has still managed to keep all that dark hair! I love having one with hair so blonde and one so dark! She is all smiles and coos now. I love hearing her sweet little voice. She even sings along with me. She is such a good baby, and I am immeasurably grateful for that. She sleeps through the night, and really only cries when she is hungry, tired and fighting sleep, or bored and wanting a change of scenery. But as far as babies go, she is still pretty low maintenence. It is so wonderful to have a baby again that is at the age where all she has to do is catch sight of me and I get a big smile. She doesn"t see my flaws or failures. She doesn't expect the impossible from me. All she wants are a few basic needs to be met. And she knows I meet those needs, and she loves me for it. Smiles at me for it. There is great joy in such simplicity. Thank you, sweet baby girl! You are more of a blessing to me than I can ever describe!

Julia, Julia, Julia. Where shall I begin? That girl can both amaze and appall me in the same day! My goodness, can she wear me out! Having a newborn again has made me see how incredibly easy a baby is compared to a toddler. It is so very difficult to accurately describe this "toddler" stage. Toddler is wonderful. Toddler is awful. Toddler is stressful. Toddler makes me laugh. Toddler makes me cry. Toddler, in all things, continually drives me to my knees! Toddler is cute. Toddler is so not cute. Toddler is outrageously intelligent. Toddler is cuddly. Toddler is mean. Toddler is loving. Toddler is mischeivous! Toddler is beautiful. Toddler is whiney. Toddler is whiney some more. Toddler is still whiney! Toddler is independent. Toddler is clingy. Toddler is curious. Toddler is stubborn! Toddler is sick. Toddler is well. Toddler is all these things. Toddler can be all these things in one day! Toddler stage is extremely exhausting. So much more work than baby stage, but not without it's rewards. Toddler can do more than send a smile my way. Toddler gives me hugs. Toddler tells me she loves me. Toddler gives me kisses. Toddler tells me she is sorry. (More than I get from Husband!) Toddler says thank you, with sincerity. Yes, toddler is more work. But she is worth it. She makes me so crazy at times that I wonder if we will both make it through this stage alive. But then, quick as a flash, the tides change and she reminds me all over again how wonderful she is and why she worth all the stress. So I cling to those happy times. The times when I truly enjoy my child, and I make sure I will be able to remember them. Because just like living through "toddler" has made me see how easy "baby" was, I know that someday, when we are struggling through "teenager", I will long to relive "toddler"! Julia Faith, I love you dearly! You know you make your Mommy crazy, but you know I couldn't be more proud of you, either! However spunky and stubborn you may be, you are also brilliant, loving, and a real character! You keep me on my toes! You challenge me, girl, and as much as I may hate to admit it, that is probably a good thing for me! However young you may be, and however much I may be trying to teach you, you will always be teaching me more! Thank you for that, Sunshine! Thank you for being you!

1 comment:

Navy P. said...

You are very talented in telling the story in writing. I like your article.




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