Monday, November 2, 2009

Family Ties

I don"t know about you, but the last couple of months have been insanely busy around here. Consequently, I have lots of blogging to do! There's going to be a bit of a lull now before it gets busier than ever, so hopefully I'll get all caught up in time.
We spent September 18-20 in southern Illinois for the Hankla Family Reunion. My Mom's Dad's brothers and sisters and their families get together at a Methodist Camp that my Grandpa's brother Joe used to be the director of. We've been going there for years and it's a lot of fun. This was actually the first time that John didn't have to work and could come along. We took lots of pictures in the beautiful scenery.

Looking at all these pictures, I can't help but think that this was one of our last flings as a family of three. All too soon there will be another munchkin vying for our attention. While I know that I will be able to love as many children as God blesses us with, it has been my prayer of late that Julia will continue to feel that love when she isn't the only child anymore.
Julia Faith, the last two years of my life that I have gotten to spend with you have been the best I've ever had. I can never tell you how much I love you, or how much I have thanked God for you. It's hard to imagine a time when you weren't a part of my life. It has been such an awesome privilege to watch you grow and change, and I am so honored that God has trusted me to take care of you and be your Mommy. I want you to know just how much I love it when you wrap your little arms around my neck and squeeze tight ... when you kiss my cheek so tenderly with your soft lips ... when you look at me sweetly with your gorgeous blue eyes ... when you cuddle up with me on the couch to read books. You melt my heart with your honest, innocent expressions of love for me that I can't help but think I don't deserve. Thank you for that, Baby Girl. Thank you for just being you. Know that I love you and nothing will ever change that, no matter what the next two, twenty, or two hundred years may bring.


Sam and Jen said...

What a beautiful message to Julia. I love the picture of the 3 of you!

Aunt Kathy said...

Awwwww.....Loved it all!!




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