Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Moooo Cows

At the beginning of August John and I took Julia to Fair Oaks Farms to see the cows. I thought she'd be old enough to get a kick out of it, and I couldn't have been more right. John had never been there either, and it really is a neat place. If you live in the area, I highly recommend it. I think it was $10 for each of us to get in and Julia was free. Not bad. And they didn't charge more for all the extra little things there are to do like some places do. We did have to get grilled cheese sandwiches and ice cream, of course! It was a fun day. I think for the next week Julia would wake up every morning saying, "Cows" or "Harm (farm)" because she wanted to go back.

This train was right up Julia's alley. She would have ridden it all day if we let her.

Petting the fake cow. When you go through the barns to see the real cows, you stay on a bus so the cows don"t get your germs. So this was the closest she actually got to a cow. And it's funny, the dairy farm is surrounded by corn fields because they grow their own feed corn to support the cows. So Julia learned that cows eat corn and what a corn field looks like. Well, just yesterday Marlene was telling me that when she takes Julia over to her sister's house and Julia sees the corn fields, she always says, "Cows?" Marlene said she couldn't figure out why she'd be saying "cows" when they were there to see the horses. I even had to think about it for a second before I remembered the corn fields at Fair Oaks. I almost died laughing. My child is so smart.

She put these on herself, if that isn't obvious. They have a cute little 3D movie that also sprays water at you when a cow sneezes and puffs air at you when he farts, it's pretty funny. And it was short enough for Julia to sit through, so that was her first experience with a big screen.

You're looking at the cheapest souvenir in the gift shop... a $2 cow that's made like one of those squishy stress balls you're supposed to squeeze. But hey, a toddler is easy to please! She didn't put her cow down for a week, even slept with it. Goofy girl. All in all, it was a fun and educational day, what could be better?

1 comment:

Aunt Kathy said...

I have to say I have never been there either......Man.....I love the cow!! :-)




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