Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Adventures with Gaga

I copied pictures off of Marlene's camera again, so here are some of the August highlights.

This was taken in Marlene's sister, Lurlene's, barn. Julia is all about animals lately, and who doesn't love a cuddly little kitty, anyway? And it's funny, she even gets that high pitched voice you use for talking to babies. "Awww... tat (cat)." I thought this was the most precious picture, though. I can only hope she will be so admiring of her baby sister!

Lovin on Anya, the Mehok's dog.

Two eggs for breakfast today!

Hmmm... Julia, have you been berry picking or berry eating?! Marlene said Julia Julia could put them in her mouth about as fast as she could put them in the bucket. Then she would look in the bucket and say, "Julia, where did the berries go?", and Julia would say, "Ah know?" (which means, "I don't know", with that inflection) Silly kid.
Well, that's all for now, but I have so many tomato pictures that I want to devote an entire post to them, so keep an eye out for that soon!


Aunt Kathy said...

I LOVE that kitty picture and Julia!!! Love baby kitties!! I just don't wnat one!! LOL....

Jessica said...

I know, I love that one. And I wish you could hear the way she talks to animals, it's hilarious. I'll have to take a video of her talking to Mom and Dad's dog...she gets right up in her face and talks in this super sweet high pitched voice, too funny.




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