These were taken when we had those first few warm days at the beginning of the month. Julia was so funny. I opened the sliding door to the deck and she walked up to it with her hands out in front of her, leaned forward, and fell right outside. I don't think she knew it opened! She stands there every day, looking out the glass into the yard. I didn't even think that she'd try to lean on it like that and fall, poor kid! Anywho, once we got out there, it was as if I had just freed a caged animal. She'd "run" from one side of the deck to the other, back and forth, back and forth. We took a few toys out, so she'd push (or pull) her shopping cart, back and forth. She'd throw her ball and chase after it, back and forth. She'd sit in her little chair for three whole seconds, then get up to go bark at the neighbor dogs, back and forth. She'd find a tiny leaf or twig and have to take it to the railing and throw it in the grass, back and forth. It made me tired just watching her!
(Probably only because she fell and had to get back up again!)
Oh! A leaf! Let me just return this to it's rightful place in the yard! (At least we won't ever have to sweep the deck!)
1 comment:
Grandpa & I were always amazed at our little one, our grandkids how they can do something over & over & over & over and never get bored... looks like nothings changed.. lol ah what a cutie!!
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