Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fry Happy

We stopped at a McDonalds on the way home from the reunion. Julia has never been to one, and it was hilarious to see her eat fries. She's getting really good at the whole finger food thing and I was impressed. I would give her the longest fry I could find and she would take little bitty bites until it was all gone. It was so cute that I pulled out the camera to get a video. Then she got all goofy on me and practically inhaled the next fry! What a nut!

Note: No babies were harmed in the making of this video. Julia had a well balanced dinner before comsuming a few fries for laughs!


Powell Family said...

I've never met a kid who doesn't like french fries! Cute video!

Anonymous said...

Julia had a well balanced dinner before consuming a few fries for laughs!...........LOL.....Well, I am glad to hear that one.....LOL.....Did you say that for me, Missy??? LOL

She is sooooo cute.....:-)




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