Saturday, April 17, 2010

Egg Oops

This year the Easter Bunny almost got herself in trouble. She decided that she would bring Julia her Easter basket after Julia was in bed and before she hit the sack herself, that way she wouldn't have to be up before Julia to do it in the morning. So she waited until it had been quiet in Julia's room for a while and then set up the basket. She then decided that she would leave a trail of plastic eggs from the basket in the living room and down the hall to Julia's room. She started at the basket, setting down one egg at a time, moving toward Julia's room. As she set the last egg down right in front of the door she heard an excited little voice proclaim loudly, "EGG! I SEE A EGG!" The bunny snatched up the egg and jumped back from the door (trying not to die laughing!) and called mommy so she could go in and put Julia back in her bed.
Honestly, Julia was laying on the floor in her room, peering under the door. I can only assume this was an effort to see the Bunny that Mommy made the mistake of mentioning before bed! Too smart for her own good, my child!

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