Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Still waiting...

Has it been nearly a week already? I can't believe how fast the time is going. Maybe it's because I've been blessed with such a good pregnancy, but while I am anxious to meet my daughter and finally hold her and see her face, I'm also not like those pregnant women that go crazy at the end wishing it was over. Sure, I'm uncomfortable now, but this has been an amazing miracle going on inside me and there's a part of me that will be sad to see it end. I wonder if I'll feel empty. Although I'm sure the house will be full, all the time, and I'll have her in my arms then, how awesome will that be? I think too much, I know.

Anywho... we were back at the doctor on Monday and she still didn't have much to say. She said she'd try to "stir up trouble" when she checked me, and I truly think she did. That evening I'm pretty sure I was having contractions. They were irregular and painless, but they were enough to keep me up most of the night. I still have them sporadically, more so in the evenings. Hey, at least it's something! The doctor was also a little concerned when she measured my uterus with her handy dandy tape measure and for the first time I appeared to be smaller than I should. She said it was probably just the position the baby is in, but she sent me for an ultrasound to make sure. We went today, and all is well. It's so much fun to see her in there. The first one I had done was at 18 weeks, and it was much clearer and easier to see when she was smaller. Now she's all cramped, but we saw some great shots of her face, sleeping of course! I asked the nurse about the size and she guessed 8lb 6oz! Not exactly small! Of course she said that's give or take a pound so you you never really know, but she's definitely healthy. My mean husband is still wishing a ten pound baby on me, why, I don't know. I think he just likes to get me worked up! :) And we got confirmation, she's still a she! Ha, John! I was going to put the ultrasound pictures on here, but they don't look very good, especially without someone to point out what you're seeing! You'll have to wait to see her after she shows herself!


Michael Gulley said...

I'm not one to show a lot of emotion when I'm passing another milestone in my life. Grandpa? Okay fine. I will probally just quietly smile when I first see Julia, then I will think, "That poor baby is going to be spoiled to death by her Grand & Great-Grandmothers, not to mention her Aunts, Kristen & Tiffany". Jess, you might get to see her on weekends!

Jess, may God bless you & John with your new baby. Dad loves you all.

Tammy Gulley said...

Hi Its mom ,Dad tried to help me blog so I hope this goes thru .I just wish this baby would hurry up and get here because I am sooooo excited. You weighed about 7lb. 9oz. so Im going to guess that for julia!

LucyGoose said...

I can't wait, either!! Hi Jessica!! Julia Faith Kathleen LucyGoose.....Sounds good, doesn't it?? LOL.....Just playing....Somebody, someday, will have a Kathleen....LOL...I guess this makes me a great Aunt, huh? Awwww.....a new baby....I am going to have to learn this blog thing of your Jess....I want to post pictures here...Well, off to look around here.....I love posting....Hang in there....Hugs, Kathy!!

Bud & Mary said...

It took forever for me to get on here.. "Password Dummy" I am...

I understand the "still waiting" thing fully. and do remember that it is all worth it, and Grandpa and I are excited about another BEAUTIFUL little girl to be born into the family... and IF she is 1/2 as pretty as you were Jessica, WOW!
God Bless and Keep you all! (((HUGS))) and Prayers....




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